Parivrtta Parshvakonasana 1996
Beginner's Mind; Essential Spiritual Practice
Beginner's Mind; Essential Spiritual Practice
Please contact event host for further information dates, cost,
locations and registration.
The Center for Yoga Los Angeles, California
The Center for Yoga Los Angeles, California
Guangzhou Ashtanga Yoga Center
14 Days Sama Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga Intensive
translate to English:
email Lawa at:
Guangzhou Ashtanga Yoga Center
Ashtanga Yoga Paris
9 Days Sama Ashtanga Intensive Course
Ashtanga Yoga Paris
Lisbon, Portugal
7 Days Sama Ashtanga Intensive Course
Lisbon, Portugal
Wroclaw, Poland
5 Days Sama Ashtanga Intensive Course
Wroclaw, Poland
I hold the thought that we can all learn from each other, that in fact we are all in this journey together. We share the same planet, the same water, the same air, the same desires for peace and happiness. That the vibrations we create affect all creatures, everywhere. Every breath we take has a spirit and in our practice, and in our life, we share those vibrations. They are our contributions to the health of the whole. The whole Body/Mind, the whole class, the whole community, the whole world. And that this idea is central in the teachings and practice of yoga. “Namaste/Namaskara” reflects this. We “NAMA,” bow down, in mutual respect for each other and in awe of the miracle that we all share!!! The difference between us all is not the important thing to focus on but rather the same-ness, Sama.
Ahimsa is the first principal of the philosophy. First, do no harm. Do your best to reduce the injury, the violence, the suffering of all. If we go deeply enough into that ahimsa (the ‘Beginning’), Samadhi (the ‘last’) will evolve spontaneously. Ahimsa requires an increase of our best human qualities! Kindness, compassion, intelligence. This is the culture we want to further, to support, to put our shoulders behind and gently, lovingly push! Within ourselves, and with each other.
Understanding ever deeper and deeper, the meaning of the word Vinyasa, is important for those of us intent to learn, to study, to practice this great method called Ashtanga (vinyasa) Yoga. Gradual, Step-by-Step, Approach. All three of those are interesting in the explorations of Ashtanga Yoga. Gradual is something that needs to be determined, in Real-Time, as we go, in the Here and Now. It will change all the time. That, in itself, helps us to become more Present. Perhaps the greatest Gift of the practice. Atha! Now. The very first utterance of Patanjali’s Yoga Darshana. It is never done. It is never finished. That idea is false, Maya, Mara, an illusion. As if it could be grabbed. Not possible. Each student needs to take responsibility to perceive what Gradual means, in the present moment. It is not static. It involves perception, listening to the body/mind. Feeling the muscles, and ligaments, the joints, and organs. Feeling the effect of our practice in the Breath. Adjusting to keep it returning to this state of balance and Oneness we are calling Sama.
STEP-BY-STEP refers to the linking of the BreathMovements into a flowing sequence. It is like taking a walk. Each step is connected, leads to and follows another. Each step is both a preparation for the one to come, a balancing in the Present, and a clearing of any stress from the one we just passed. The steps are unified BreathMovement. A Continuum. They are linked together like beads on a string. That string could be seen as our consciousness. The beads are not pieces of glass, or dead wood. They are alive. Like Seeds! Each seed needs to be planted in the fertile ground of our practice. Cared for, tended, cultivated until they wake up and begin to grow. We soak them with our love, in our sweat. They get fat, they swell, they wake up, just like seeds. A Root is formed, from Consciousness and Energy. That root pushes through the hard shell of the outer layers and finds the Ground, the Earth. The Earth gives back as much as she receives, or more. And there is a Magical Springing Up. It is a Rebounding, an Uprising. It is Radical, of the root. Uj, or Ud as in Ujjayi, or Uddiyana. From the connection to the Roots, we reach up into the Heavens, and we occupy the place between. Sama.
APPROACH is also an appropriate and interesting word. It involves some different qualities. There is an aspect of perspective, of which way and how we are looking, like the Buddha’s ‘Right View.’ That aids us in deciding the direction we choose to go. The word ‘approach’ means to move towards, and there can be in that a feeling of moving gradually. It is like the word Attitude, our mental state which influences our positive and negative attractions. A way of looking at the world which affects our feelings and reactions and responses. It changes the way we ‘see’ the world. The way we ‘see’ our selves. It changes the way we all perceive how we ‘sit inside’ of ourselves. It shapes our life. And our Life and our Practice become ONE. Sama…
With a clear understanding of the deepest meaning of Yoga (as an experience, a set of practices and a life style) we can begin the process of uncovering who we are, what we are capable of and to pursue our highest potential as individuals and a global humane community.
The way we endure is by going deeper into ourselves, to face our fear
With a clear understanding of the deepest meaning of Yoga (as an experience, a set of practices and a life style) we can begin the process of uncovering who we are, what we are capable of and to pursue our highest potential as individuals and a global humane community.
The way we endure is by going deeper into ourselves, to face our fears, to see them as illusions and allow them to relax, to transform them into respect. In that to find a new understanding and strength of who we are and what we can do as Humane Beings.
Yoga can be a tool in that effort. It is first of all anchored in Ahimsa, non-violence, and Satya, truth.
I love this definition of Ethos from Wikipedia:
Ethos : "... a Greek word meaning 'character' that is used to describe the guiding beliefs or ideals that characterize a community, nation, or ideology. The Greeks also used this word to refer to the power of music to influence emotions, behaviors, and even morals ... "
We must have that guiding inner light of the Ethos of Yoga, to help us navigate in the journey of yoga; the journey into ourself, which is non-different from the journey into All.
Atman is Brahman....
Now is Eternal...
Are you ready to Be a Beginner?
How do you hear that question? The way that question touches your core reveals many things on this path. The way we respond to that calling, to know that there is much more that we do not know than what we do know! That is the path of Learning, of our ever Evolving thirst for Knowledge.
We must recognize thi
Are you ready to Be a Beginner?
How do you hear that question? The way that question touches your core reveals many things on this path. The way we respond to that calling, to know that there is much more that we do not know than what we do know! That is the path of Learning, of our ever Evolving thirst for Knowledge.
We must recognize this eternal truth. All great students, and those who became our great teachers, have realized this.
Those who say they know, do not! Those that are true seekers know that they do not know!
Humility is essential to our evolution. With a thirst for knowledge, and wisdom, we can continue the journey begun by our wise ancestors. It will not be finished. That is the mark of a truly great practice.
There is always more to learn, a greater depth to fathom!
The words Silent and Listen hold the same letters! To learn to Listen, in Silence, to what IS as it IS! That is a practical definition of Yoga.
This realization leads us to the real "Beginner's Mind!"
From the deep fertile soil of ancient wisdom the roots take hold as we grow and question, Authoring our own story, rather than submitting to an external authority.
We strive to become ever more Authentically ourselves, on an ever deeper and deeper level. Evolving from following instructions to being free to explore using the tools we are
From the deep fertile soil of ancient wisdom the roots take hold as we grow and question, Authoring our own story, rather than submitting to an external authority.
We strive to become ever more Authentically ourselves, on an ever deeper and deeper level. Evolving from following instructions to being free to explore using the tools we are gathering from our ancestors as well as through our own direct experience.
Each of us, as absolutely Unique Individuals (with more in Common with each other than there are differences), we can help each other on this Path we call Yoga.
That works better with a spirit of Cooperation and Collaboration.
We can choose to cultivate that rather than getting caught up in comparison and competition, although those qualities are not without merit if tempered by humor, humility, wisdom and compassion for self and other!
It is not that we discard ancient wisdom, we use it, we build upon it. Yes, we are allowed to question it! We MUST! If it is true it will endure and continue to be relevant, in our individual practices and for all of us collectively.
The weakest links will reveal themselves and if we are intent to find them we can find them sooner and sooner. This leads into to very deep praxis of Ahimsa! Non-Violence, The Great GrandMother of all the other practices.
The True Wisdom will smile upon our questioning! It is not threatened by our questions!
"I would rather have questions that cannot be answered than to have answers that cannot be questioned!" Richard Feynman, (perhaps quoting someone else!?!).
This is our Common Heritage.
Share it!
We need the freedom to ask our questions!
To seek our answers, and to know that they are incomplete and yet continue to seek improvement, with humor, humility, and compassion.
Yes! Question Authority and to each become Authentic and act true to our deepest selves. In that way we develop compassion and our highest Humane Ethos. Eventually we require less and less external 'authority.' It is a long path and will require many, many more generations of practice!
This is the purpose of our Practice.
Check out this great video
Tokyo; "Something's Happening Here!"
Check out this great video
Check out this video.
Please do not try to imitate the postures you see. Get the best teacher you can find and be gentle with yourself!
We all did the best that we knew how at that moment, and we have all learned much since then!